After all the time that I have spent attempting (which is all you can do) to keep lilies of the valley --les muguets-- out of my flower beds, I found myself actually BUYING some yesterday. I bought some for us (they do smell wonderful, I admit) and gave a small nosegay to our gardienne, who has been most kind to us. We read in the daily paper yesterday that there is a shortage of muguets due to weather, and that their production is off by 30%. The quote by Jacques Petard, who is in charge of the "commission muguet" for the "maraichers" (truck farmers) of Nantes, and who grow 85% of the muguets in France:
"Les producteurs de muguets ne sont pas des horticulteurs, ce sont des maraichers."
I should find out how they failed! Might save me from a few doses of Advil!
The tradition of giving a stem of muguets on May 1 to wish "bonheur" was started in 1561 by Charles IX. The tradition was forgotten until the beginning of the 20th century, and became associated with the "Fete du Travail" on May 1 (which was started in 1889 and was NOT started as a Communist holiday for parading weapons through Moscow as many American have been led to believe!).
Donc, c'est la France, et demain est vendredi....le weekend a quatre jours!
1 comment:
Hi Judy, very much enjoyed checking out all the pictures and stuff.Some day I will make to Paris. Went over on the ferry to Calis and Borlonge Sur Mer " I may have spelled them wrong though" after I got out of school and was traveling about but was not old enough at the time to really apprieciate and absorb it. I will check in from time to time.
Safe Travels
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